Here is a list of alternative uses for Lovacado oil:
1) Pregnant Itchy Belly Relieve – This has been the best alternative use forLovacado oil discovered recently by a customer. If you’re pregnant or know someone who is, buy a bottle of this oil. Once they massage it on their belly it will give pregnant women so much relieve, they’ll love you for it. It’s important to make sure you don’t buy the lavender scent as it’s not recommended for pregnant women to smell lavender.
Stop an itchy belly with Lovacado Oil
2) Sunburn-Soothe – We all know to use Aloe Vera to soothe sunburn skin, but I had no idea avocado oil could be soothing as well. Next time you get sunburn, tryLovacado oil on your skin and see how much better your skin will feel in the morning.
Soothe a sunburn with Lovacado Oil
3) Cuticle oil – Take Lovacado oil with you when you get a manicure/pedicure and ask the nail technician to use avocado oil to massage your cuticles. It’s great to use 100% natural oil on your nails instead of the cheap cuticle oils some nail salons use.
Use Lovacado Oil as cuticle oil to massage in hands and feet during a mani-pedi
Remember, Lovacado oil is not just for hair, you can use it to take care of your skin too.